Black Friday at Tempest Photography

Black Friday at Tempest Photography
by Neil Bason

Black Friday is almost upon us! A relatively modern tradition in the UK that sailed across the Atlantic and quickly become as much a part of the British fabric as it is the American one. I guess the take home here is that everyone loves a bargain!

And of course, here at Tempest Photography tradition is something of a watchword. Those classic, timeless school photographs are drenched in the stuff, so we are again prepped to embrace Black Friday and deliver some great savings to our equally great customers.

When is Black Friday anyway?

The big day falls on November 29th, the day after America celebrates Thanksgiving and a nation follows turkey, family and being thankful for the small things by going on a madcap shopping spree.

Our own sale will be live for the entire 24 hours of November 29th. As always, we are braced for the products to be in high demand so always recommend acting quickly to avoid disappointment.

What offers are Tempest Photography delivering and how to purchase?

· This year we’ll be cutting prices on some of our popular products and photo selections.

· Savings range from a tidy 10% off all the way up to a whopping 50% off.

· Keep an eye on your emails and check into the ecommerce site to make the most of this money-saving day.

· To make a purchase customers will need their unique ten-digit Tempest reference number when opening our ecommerce site. Then simply add products to the basket and head off to checkout.

· Also, don’t forget that spending over £40 entitles you to free postage and packing to your home address.

And that’s all there is to it. So prepare to enjoy some solid savings on great products and make it a Black Friday to remember!

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